Showing posts with label Short and Sweet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Short and Sweet. Show all posts


A Thought for Today. . .

"A tree has both straight and crooked branches; the symmetry of the tree,
however, is perfect. Life is balanced like a tree. When you consider
the struggles, difficulties, and sorrows as a part of it,
then you see it as beautiful and perfect."
- George M. Lamsa


The Symbolism of The Circle

"To the mind that is still, the whole universe surrenders." - Tao

“Whether the symbol of the circle appears in primitive sun worship or modern religion, in myths or dreams, in the mandalas drawn by the Tibetan monks, in the ground plans of cities, or in the spherical concepts of early astronomers, it always points to the single most vital aspect of life - its ultimate wholeness.” - C.G. Jung - Man and His Symbols.

I see the birthchart as symbolising the whole. You, your personality, your soul all contained within the circle, as though at the moment of your birth everything you
are, all your potential is captured in the symbol of wholeness - the circle.

A really interesting video of Joseph Campbell talking to Bill Moyers on the symbolism of the circle - Link

Image by Susannah Bec

New Moon - Libra

"The trick to juggling is determining which balls are made of rubber and which ones are made of glass." - Anonymous

"A well-developed sense of humor is the pole that adds balance to your steps as you walk the tightrope of life." - William Arthur Ward

"Every day is a new beginning. Treat it that way. Stay away from what might have been, and look at what can be." - Marsha Petrie Sue


Advice for Gemini

"I think, at a child's birth, if a mother could ask a fairy godmother to endow it with the most useful gift, that gift should be curiosity." - Eleanor Roosevelt


Keep evolving - keep interested - make variety a condition of your life.

Seek new things - new experiences - don't allow anything to become stagnant.

If you are bored - lacking in energy - you have been stifling yourself.

Find something that excites you - honour your nature - move.

"Play keeps us vital and alive. It gives us an enthusiasm for life that is irreplaceable. Without it, life just doesn't taste good." -Lucia Capocchione

I asked a Gemini friend what advice they would give a Gemini ?

They answered . . .

"Occupy your mind or your mind will occupy you."

Have any of you Gemini's out there got anything to add?


Gemini Man

My Gemini Man just opened his wardrobe and sighed in exasperation.

"Why have I got so many hats?"

He turned to find me with a big smile on my face.

"Oh, something astrological again I suppose!"

"Yes," I said, "something astrological." :-)


Mercury in Leo

There have been times when I am talking,
that a certain person has been known to say
(jokingly of course ;-))

"Don't be SO dramatic!"

To which I reply . . .

"I can't help it,

I have Mercury in Leo." :-)


Scorpio Ascendant

I asked a friend with a Scorpio Ascendant why they used to wear dark glasses so often?

They answered . . . "it is like having net / lace curtains at a window".


Observation - Mars

Astrology understandings in real life situations.

I was feeling tense and a little angry the other day and my man (a usually patient observer of my feelings) said to me "I bet you were born livid" I burst out laughing as I realised with my Gemini Mars conjuncting my ASC from the 12th house, yes I probably was!


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